Sports Biomechanics

11 July 2012
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Heel Pain Taping for the Young Athlete:

No matter experience or expertise, every athlete encounters times when heel, achilles, or ankle pain alters performance. Taping is an important part of pre-game preparation. What follows in this G4 Athlete video are 3 recommendations for taping techniques.

5 July 2012
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The Myth of 3 Sets of 10:

Why Cliche? While certain aspects of life are finely tuned with much critical thinking, cliches uncritically carry esteem in society. We act sometimes without considering why, expecting optimal results to follow. Sports, in particular, owns its fair share of cliches. In baseball or golf, the phrase, “Grip it and rip it” is often repeated with […]

26 March 2012
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The Meaning of Sports Science—Australia’s Foundation for Athletic Development:

For any young athlete, managing obligations between school sports and select sports can be challenging. Even if the game schedules don’t overlap, submitting to different training regimens and contrasting coaching philosophies creates difficulties. Could you imagine a world in which high potential athletes work under a comprehensive athletic development umbrella? Perhaps Australia provides a foundation. […]